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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mokugift..Plant a Tree Go Green For Earth Day!
Plant a Tree
Ok you know me, I love anything that will help our green earth..so I found that Mokugift lets you plant real live trees, for $1 apiece, in countries experiencing deforestation. Plant a tree..go green!
You can make a difference. Plant a real tree for yourself or for a friend, and help promote a go green earth friendly environment. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has partnered with mokugift to make it easy for concerned citizens everywhere to plant trees.
Spread the inspiration, from one friend to another, so that, we can reach UNEP's goal of planting seven billion trees. That's roughly one tree for every person on the planet.
Environment Programme is helping to fight climate change and restore trees to cover our depleted lands.
Fact: On average, every tree that is planted in the humid tropics absorbs 50 pounds of carbon dioxide every year for at least 40 years, amounting to one ton over the course of the tree's lifetime.
There's no doubt that the effects of climate change is already being felt, and the earth's surface may be warming even faster than scientists initially anticipated.
No longer just a topic for debate among academics, environmentalists, industry lobbyists, climate change calls for action on the part of ordinary people like you and me everywhere. We can make a difference, but we need to act now!
Tree planting is easy... it's a good first step to a more environmentally earth friendly lifestyle. Plant a Tree..go green. Through its "Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign," the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is appealing to all citizens to help reach there goal of planting seven billion trees—roughly one tree for every living person on the earth. Mokugift has partnered with UNEP to make it easy for anyone who cares about climate change—to take part in the Billion Tree Campaign.
How and Where: are my trees planted?
Nonprofit organizations specializing in agroforestry projects—plant the actual trees purchased via mokugift. Mokugift trees are planted in 12 tropical countries: Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Burundi, Senegal, Zambia, India, Philippines and Haiti. Species include Cocoa, Coffee, Banana, Orange, Cedar, Teak, Mahogany, Oak, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Laurel and Leucaena.
"The study shows that tropical forests are very beneficial to the climate because they take up carbon and increase cloudiness, which in turn helps cool the planet."
Planting a tree for a friend lets you do your part in the Billion Tree Campaign, while also inspiring the friend to join the campaign with you. Click Here to learn
Plant a Tree
how mokugift tree gifts work.
To make others aware that they can make a difference too, you can start a forest and share the tree-planting inspiration, your friends can display his/her trees on their mokugift.com Web page and on Facebook, MySpace and other popular sites, such as my favorite twitter!
Plant a Tree NOW
God Bless!
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Hi Mona, great to read some of your articles in your blog. I am currently doing my masters in Auburn and my research is on biomass energy and I always love anything, "green". I just started writing my blog because I wanted to share my ongoing issues and get it out of my mind. I will be checking your blog more in future.