With so many companies going green, with biodegradable and recycling products, sometimes it's difficult to have your feet in so many places! So what I have decided to do today is recommend a website that sells and buys products that are eco-friendly.
My friend from Linkedin owns you might like some of their ideas that may help you as an affiliate, or be someone who is interested in helping our environment. There is alot about this website that you may find interesting!
*Other Companies or Websites Listed (called Our Partners)
*Featured Merchant Section
*Neerg gives 3% back on every sale!
*Interesting facts,fun stories and useful tips
* Shop local to find out what's in your area
They have a catagories section in this website that is titled Biodegradable and Recycling, also Organic,energy and resource efficient and more.
Some of the partners are as follows:
.http://www.greenyour.com, a go to guide for whatever you want to green!
.http://www.ecomii.com a website that was created to specifically address the need for a single credible and comprehensive resource for everything healthy and green.
.http://www.organicauthority.com, there mission is to change the way Americans think about the word organic, washing away the grungy hippy image of the past.
.http://www.ecostiletto.com,EcoStiletto dishes out daily eco-friendly fashion, beauty, lifestyle and celebrity advice that can help shrink your carbon footprint.
.http://www.causecast.org Causecast is an action network and content provider that connects nonprofits, leaders and individuals, with the singular purpose of making a positive impact on the world.
.http://www.greenopia.com We hope to become your go-to guide for whatever you want to green.
.http://www.mommygreenest.com,Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff, a mother of three—who reduces, reuses and recycles with her family in Los Angeles, CA.
Now these are some of the great partners! If you would like to be a partner, go check out . They would love to have you partner with them!
If you want to shop locally in your area for biodegradable,recycling,eco-friendly products, you can find vendors or resellers in your own area!
Let me know what you think, leave me a comment so I can give you a shout out back. I need your feedback on this....what are you going to do?
God Bless!
Biodegradable,Recyling, Green Saving Tips!
Go green in your home! Discover Green Solutions That Will Put Money In Your Pocket And Help Save The Planet! Tips On Saving on household products, that save energy, organic foods, recycling, and environmentally friendly products and eco products that lower carbon emissions and reduce wastes and also one of my favorites is solar products!
Go Green!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Electronics! Bah Humbug! Trash it! Recycle it instead!
One man's trash is another man's treasure! Have an Old Computer, Cell Phone, Fax Machine, Printer? Why not recycle it for some cash ola!
You might think "No one would want this!" But there is someone out there willing to take just about any item off your hands and save it from going into the landfill. That's a good thing because we can use that space for beautiful things like flowers and trees!
Eco friendly and green living go hand in hand with Tradeups.com, get paid for turning in your unwanted electronics items! A little tidbit of information regarding Trade-ups is that they have recycled 944.12 tons so far of electronics! Wow! Just think of that in our landfills.
They will make you a offer, send you a packaging label and you send the items, they then check out the item and send you the money they offered! It's that simple...very neat isn't it!
Trade-Ups processes more than 5,000 units per week, and they've got room for your old electronics. They process a lot of old cell phones,more than 100 million cell phones are replaced in the United States. They also take old digital cameras, you know the ones setting on those shelves collecting dust bunnies! Why not get paid to take up less space on that cabinet?
Trade-ups is a joint venture of Dyscern, LLC and Market Velocity.
Dyscern specializes in the receiving and reselling of PDAs, MP3 players and Apple products. Located in Virginia, they receive store returns and salvage merchandise. Their expert teams of technicians tests and repairs these units for resale.
Every day, they create a worth for your end-of-life electronics and help companies and consumers like us find a responsible and profitable way to recycle electronics.
ne man's trash is another man's treasure! Have an Old Computer, Cell Phone, Fax Machine, Printer? Why not recycle it for some cash ola!
You might think "No one would want this!" But there is someone out there willing to take just about any item off your hands and save it from going into the landfill. That's a good thing because we can use that space for beautiful things like flowers and trees!
Eco friendly and green living go hand in hand with Tradeups.com, get paid for turning in your unwanted electronics items! A little tidbit of information regarding Trade-ups is that they have recycled 944.12 tons so far of electronics! Wow! Just think of that in our landfills.
They will make you a offer, send you a packaging label and you send the items, they then check out the item and send you the money they offered! It's that simple...very neat isn't it!
TradeUps processes more than 5,000 units per week, and they've got room for your old electronics. They process a lot of old cell phones,more than 100 million cell phones are replaced in the United States. They also take old digital cameras, you know the ones setting on those shelves collecting dust bunnies! Why not get paid to take up less space on that cabinet?
Trade-ups is a joint venture of Dyscern, LLC and Market Velocity.
Dyscern specializes in the receiving and reselling of PDAs, MP3 players and Apple products. Located in Virginia, they receive store returns and salvage merchandise. Their expert teams of technicians tests and repairs these units for resale.
Every day, they create a worth for your end-of-life electronics and help companies and consumers like us find a responsible and profitable way to recycle electronics.
God Bless and recycle those old electronics you know you don't need them collecting dust!
Take a moment!
Look around...do you really need that? Leave me a reply if you happen to know that i'm telling you...yes..you..the truth!
You might think "No one would want this!" But there is someone out there willing to take just about any item off your hands and save it from going into the landfill. That's a good thing because we can use that space for beautiful things like flowers and trees!
Eco friendly and green living go hand in hand with Tradeups.com, get paid for turning in your unwanted electronics items! A little tidbit of information regarding Trade-ups is that they have recycled 944.12 tons so far of electronics! Wow! Just think of that in our landfills.
They will make you a offer, send you a packaging label and you send the items, they then check out the item and send you the money they offered! It's that simple...very neat isn't it!
Trade-Ups processes more than 5,000 units per week, and they've got room for your old electronics. They process a lot of old cell phones,more than 100 million cell phones are replaced in the United States. They also take old digital cameras, you know the ones setting on those shelves collecting dust bunnies! Why not get paid to take up less space on that cabinet?
Trade-ups is a joint venture of Dyscern, LLC and Market Velocity.
Dyscern specializes in the receiving and reselling of PDAs, MP3 players and Apple products. Located in Virginia, they receive store returns and salvage merchandise. Their expert teams of technicians tests and repairs these units for resale.
Every day, they create a worth for your end-of-life electronics and help companies and consumers like us find a responsible and profitable way to recycle electronics.
ne man's trash is another man's treasure! Have an Old Computer, Cell Phone, Fax Machine, Printer? Why not recycle it for some cash ola!
You might think "No one would want this!" But there is someone out there willing to take just about any item off your hands and save it from going into the landfill. That's a good thing because we can use that space for beautiful things like flowers and trees!
Eco friendly and green living go hand in hand with Tradeups.com, get paid for turning in your unwanted electronics items! A little tidbit of information regarding Trade-ups is that they have recycled 944.12 tons so far of electronics! Wow! Just think of that in our landfills.
They will make you a offer, send you a packaging label and you send the items, they then check out the item and send you the money they offered! It's that simple...very neat isn't it!
TradeUps processes more than 5,000 units per week, and they've got room for your old electronics. They process a lot of old cell phones,more than 100 million cell phones are replaced in the United States. They also take old digital cameras, you know the ones setting on those shelves collecting dust bunnies! Why not get paid to take up less space on that cabinet?
Trade-ups is a joint venture of Dyscern, LLC and Market Velocity.
Dyscern specializes in the receiving and reselling of PDAs, MP3 players and Apple products. Located in Virginia, they receive store returns and salvage merchandise. Their expert teams of technicians tests and repairs these units for resale.
Every day, they create a worth for your end-of-life electronics and help companies and consumers like us find a responsible and profitable way to recycle electronics.
God Bless and recycle those old electronics you know you don't need them collecting dust!
Take a moment!
Look around...do you really need that? Leave me a reply if you happen to know that i'm telling you...yes..you..the truth!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mokugift..Plant a Tree Go Green For Earth Day!
Plant a Tree
Ok you know me, I love anything that will help our green earth..so I found that Mokugift lets you plant real live trees, for $1 apiece, in countries experiencing deforestation. Plant a tree..go green!
You can make a difference. Plant a real tree for yourself or for a friend, and help promote a go green earth friendly environment. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has partnered with mokugift to make it easy for concerned citizens everywhere to plant trees.
Spread the inspiration, from one friend to another, so that, we can reach UNEP's goal of planting seven billion trees. That's roughly one tree for every person on the planet.
Environment Programme is helping to fight climate change and restore trees to cover our depleted lands.
Fact: On average, every tree that is planted in the humid tropics absorbs 50 pounds of carbon dioxide every year for at least 40 years, amounting to one ton over the course of the tree's lifetime.
There's no doubt that the effects of climate change is already being felt, and the earth's surface may be warming even faster than scientists initially anticipated.
No longer just a topic for debate among academics, environmentalists, industry lobbyists, climate change calls for action on the part of ordinary people like you and me everywhere. We can make a difference, but we need to act now!
Tree planting is easy... it's a good first step to a more environmentally earth friendly lifestyle. Plant a Tree..go green. Through its "Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign," the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is appealing to all citizens to help reach there goal of planting seven billion trees—roughly one tree for every living person on the earth. Mokugift has partnered with UNEP to make it easy for anyone who cares about climate change—to take part in the Billion Tree Campaign.
How and Where: are my trees planted?
Nonprofit organizations specializing in agroforestry projects—plant the actual trees purchased via mokugift. Mokugift trees are planted in 12 tropical countries: Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Burundi, Senegal, Zambia, India, Philippines and Haiti. Species include Cocoa, Coffee, Banana, Orange, Cedar, Teak, Mahogany, Oak, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Laurel and Leucaena.
"The study shows that tropical forests are very beneficial to the climate because they take up carbon and increase cloudiness, which in turn helps cool the planet."
Planting a tree for a friend lets you do your part in the Billion Tree Campaign, while also inspiring the friend to join the campaign with you. Click Here to learn
Plant a Tree
how mokugift tree gifts work.
To make others aware that they can make a difference too, you can start a forest and share the tree-planting inspiration, your friends can display his/her trees on their mokugift.com Web page and on Facebook, MySpace and other popular sites, such as my favorite twitter!
Plant a Tree NOW
God Bless!
Dancing in a Rain Barrel? With no Shoes!

Have you ever seen that show with Lucille Ball dancing in the grapes? Makes you just want to split a gut! It's so funny! She's dancing barefoot in this large Rain Barrel with no shoes on... smashing grapes!
Have you ever danced in a rain barrel? Barefoot with no shoes? Sounds like fun!
I found these rain barrels that are made of 100% resin, they come in five different colors, Oak, Black, Khaki,Terra cotta and Green. Now which color do you need for your house? I would need terra cotta because my house is brick. They are on sale now if you are interested atExterior-Accents.com
No dress code required for putting this rain barrel up against your house! Look how much water you would be recycling...This barrel that I am talking about is called the Rain Wizard 50, which means it is a 50 gallon barrel.
It's made of UV resistant resin, resistant to rust, mold, meldew and rotting and all that other stuff that's yucky! Will sit right up against your house because the back side is flat, they made the overflow valve at the top opposite the back side so that flooding of the barrel will stay away from your walls. The spigot for draining is at the bottom (not halfway up the barrel)! It has a screen mesh which is designed to keep bugs,animals and small limbs out while being real easy to remove for cleaning and maintenance.
Has a one year Limited Manufacturer's warranty! These rain barrels are linkable to other barrels of increasing capacity in case you have a yard or plants that require more than 50 gallons of water. With the Rain Wizard 50 (rain barrel) you can order a stand which will keep the barrel off the ground for easier draining.
Ok get ready to take off your shoes and dance in a rain barrel. Hope you enjoyed this and I hope you will leave me a comment! I would love to hear even if you have seen that Lucille Ball show! Looking forward to your chat!
God Bless!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Greenhouses for our beautiful flowers!
I personally can say I have never had a Green House for my flowers, for our Green Earth! Gardening I can say I have done! A lot of money I spend every year on flower baskets....what about you? Every year I have to spend money on Petunia Baskets and Begonia Baskets and Ferns, shall I say, shall we go on? The color of flowers make me smile and make me feel like I am a whole person, just by looking at all those colors! Silly isn't it!
Maybe instead of giving those nurseries all my money....maybe I should just buy one of these Green Houses for my flowers, that will help save our green earth and save money in our pocket books! (That's my logic for saving green earth,dollars...)!
GreenGardenTools.com Eco Friendly Power Tools & More.
*Environmentally safe products
* 100% Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction
* FREE shipping
Follow the link above and check it out! Green houses are really great, my brother always has one for his wife in Oregon. Let me know what you grow in your greenhouse! I personally grow a lot of tomato's during the summer and a few jalepeno's. Also green peppers which are great items, to carry over in the freezer in the winter. I also buy a lot of marigolds which help with the prevention of other insects!
I have some beautiful Roses that I pride myself in keeping throughout the year...wouldn't this Greenhouse be the ticket! You bet! What do you grow?
Leave a response!
God Bless!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Biodegradable,Recycling,Green Saving Tips!
Go green in your home! Discover Green Solutions That Will Put Money In Your Pocket And Help Save The Planet! Tips On Saving on household products, that save energy, organic foods, recycling, and environmentally friendly products and eco products that lower carbon emissions and reduce wastes and also one of my favorites is solar products!
Going green is no longer an option but a necessity! Everyone and every member of our world should go green to protect our planet. Discover more than one hundred green solutions that will help companies become more earth friendly , will save you loads of money and turn you into a green economically friendly person!
You know how everyone drinks their water out of plastic bottles. We have all done it....well, those plastic bottles will never degrade. Plastic is not biodegradable. What happens to plastic is that it sticks around for thousands of years photo-degrading (from light). Right now, on a daily basis millions of these plastic bottles are thrown away. Disposable razors and blades are all over the landfills and remember plastic does not bio-degrade. Plastic will be on the planet for eons. Go Green!
Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.
We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.
There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time.
What can you do?
Go to Click Here!">to get 119 tips on how to recycle,and reuse such things as coffee grounds and a lot more really useful tips on how to save money and keep our earth green!
Decide today that you're going to become a local hero in your town and neighborhood. Make a commitment to going green and learn how you can get even better results.
You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water. Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.
Use less water. Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home! Let me know if you have used any of these tips? I can personally say that I have used some of these tips and they are awesome! So support the earth! Do you already?
I will tell you I have always preferred washing dishes by hand! But now I use the dishwasher when it is completely filled up! Do you wash your dishes by hand or like me feel like you have to clean them before putting them in the dishwasher? I have also replaced my toilet cisterns and this has saved a bunch...have you?
God Bless!
Looking forward to hearing from you on your green earth saving tips!
Going green is no longer an option but a necessity! Everyone and every member of our world should go green to protect our planet. Discover more than one hundred green solutions that will help companies become more earth friendly , will save you loads of money and turn you into a green economically friendly person!
You know how everyone drinks their water out of plastic bottles. We have all done it....well, those plastic bottles will never degrade. Plastic is not biodegradable. What happens to plastic is that it sticks around for thousands of years photo-degrading (from light). Right now, on a daily basis millions of these plastic bottles are thrown away. Disposable razors and blades are all over the landfills and remember plastic does not bio-degrade. Plastic will be on the planet for eons. Go Green!
Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.
We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.
There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time.
What can you do?
Go to Click Here!">to get 119 tips on how to recycle,and reuse such things as coffee grounds and a lot more really useful tips on how to save money and keep our earth green!
Decide today that you're going to become a local hero in your town and neighborhood. Make a commitment to going green and learn how you can get even better results.
You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water. Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.
Use less water. Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home! Let me know if you have used any of these tips? I can personally say that I have used some of these tips and they are awesome! So support the earth! Do you already?
I will tell you I have always preferred washing dishes by hand! But now I use the dishwasher when it is completely filled up! Do you wash your dishes by hand or like me feel like you have to clean them before putting them in the dishwasher? I have also replaced my toilet cisterns and this has saved a bunch...have you?
God Bless!
Looking forward to hearing from you on your green earth saving tips!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Biodegradable Reigns! Go Green Star Fish
I found a company that is willing to go the extra mile to conserve our environment. This company "Green Starfish, Inc." is a family business with a well established commitment towards eco friendly products.They identify and promote the use of products that contribute to sustainable living and provide viable and cost efficient alternatives to food containers and related disposable products that don't harm our environment. Go to www.gogreenstarfish.com to order your biodegradable products! I forgot to mention they have free shipping! Try this out for that loved one that is far away at school, so that they will know you care as much about our environment as they do.
Also, they have products made from sugarcane (bagasse) as well as those made from corn (PLA) Both 100% biodegradable.
More companies are beginning to realize that using biodegradable products is the only way to help protect our environment. We know that changes start at home! Do you care about your world? Do you recycle, do you use biodegradable products?
Make a big difference by using these products! Remembering to flick off the light switch or picking products that are better for our world, small changes can make a big difference!
Conservation International says that every year, we lose 32 million acres of tropical forests-an area the size of England. And every acre lost provided essential resources to people and the planet.
When you are having a family reunion(which I do twice a year),that may fill up those landfills,using those paper/plasticware used for food and beverages. Go to Green Starfish,Inc and order Biodegraddable products that are 100% compostable. What your looking for is the Corn-based dishware. An eco-friendly way to purchase dishware that is made from corn. From utensils,plates and trash bags,cups,bowls,trays,Green Starfish carries what you need! They will break down easily in landfills,many within six months. They are sturdy and strong,putting conventional plasticware out the door.
I care about our environment do you? What do you do to help our environment?
I would appreciate knowing if you recycle or are currently using any biodegradable products that add benefit to our environment.
Also, they have products made from sugarcane (bagasse) as well as those made from corn (PLA) Both 100% biodegradable.
More companies are beginning to realize that using biodegradable products is the only way to help protect our environment. We know that changes start at home! Do you care about your world? Do you recycle, do you use biodegradable products?
Make a big difference by using these products! Remembering to flick off the light switch or picking products that are better for our world, small changes can make a big difference!
Conservation International says that every year, we lose 32 million acres of tropical forests-an area the size of England. And every acre lost provided essential resources to people and the planet.
When you are having a family reunion(which I do twice a year),that may fill up those landfills,using those paper/plasticware used for food and beverages. Go to Green Starfish,Inc and order Biodegraddable products that are 100% compostable. What your looking for is the Corn-based dishware. An eco-friendly way to purchase dishware that is made from corn. From utensils,plates and trash bags,cups,bowls,trays,Green Starfish carries what you need! They will break down easily in landfills,many within six months. They are sturdy and strong,putting conventional plasticware out the door.
I care about our environment do you? What do you do to help our environment?
I would appreciate knowing if you recycle or are currently using any biodegradable products that add benefit to our environment.
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